Formalization and visualization of the narrative for museum guides

Ioannis Bourlakos, Manolis Wallace, Angeliki Antoniou, Costas Vassilakis, George Lepouras and Anna Vassiliki Karapanagiotou
Proceedings of the third International KEYSTONE Conference, (IKC2017)

There is a wide range of meta-data standards for the documentation of museum related information, such as CIDOC-CRM; these standards focus on the description of distinct exhibits. In contrast, there is a lack of standards for the digitization and documentation of the routes followed and information provided by museum guides. In this work we propose the notion of the narrative, which can be used to model a guided museum visit. We provide a formalization for the narrative so that it can be digitally encoded, and thus preserved, shared, re-used, further developed and exploited, and also propose an intuitive visualization approach.

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