Performance Analysis of Dual-Priority Multilayer Multistage Interconnection Networks under Multicast Environment

D. C. Vasiliadis, G. E. Rizos, C. Vassilakis,
Journal of Networks, June 2011

Next-generation network architectures strive to achieve high bandwidth and ultralow latency for the packets traversing the offered end-to-end paths. Multistage Interconnection Networks (MINs) are often employed for implementing NGNs, but while MINs are fairly flexible in handling varieties of traffic loads, they tend to quickly saturate under broadcast and multicast traffic, especially at increasing size networks. As a response to this issue, multilayer MINs have been proposed, however their performance prediction and evaluation has not been studied sufficiently insofar. In this paper, we evaluate and discuss the performance of multilayer MINs under multicast traffic, considering also two levels of packet priorities, since support for multiple QoS levels is an indispensible requirement for NGNs. Different offered loads and buffer size configurations are examined in this context, and performance results are given for the two most important network performance factors, namely packet throughput and delay. We also introduce and calculate a universal performance fac¬tor, which includes the importance aspect of each of the above main performance factors. The findings of this study can be used by NGN system designers in order to predict the performance of each configuration and adjust the design of their communication infrastructure to the traffic requirements at hand.

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