International Journal of Semantic Computing, Special issue on Web Scale Reasoning, Volume: 4, Issue: 1(2010) pp. 59-102
This paper describes methods to allow spreading activation to be used on web-scale information
resources. Existing work has shown that spreading activation can be used to model context over
small personal ontologies, which can be used to assist in various user activities, for example, in autocompleting
web forms. This previous work is extended and methods are developed by which large
external repositories, including corporate information and the web, can be linked to the user’s
personal ontology and thus allow automated assistance that is able to draw on the entire web of data.
The basic idea is augment the personal ontology with cached data from external repositories, where
the choice of what data to fetch or discard is related to the level of activation of entities already in
the personal ontology or cached data. This relies on the assumption that the working set of highly
active entities is relatively small; empirical results are presented, which suggest these assumptions
are likely to hold. Implications of the techniques are discussed for user interaction and for the social
web. In addition, warm world reasoning is proposed, applying rule-based reasoning over activate
entities, potentially merging symbolic and sub-symbolic reasoning over web-scale knowledge bases.
Note: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
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- Publications
- Distributed systems
- A Methodology for the Implementation of Software for the Design of Distributed Systems
- An Enhanced System for File Access in a Distributed UNIX Environment
- Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing Scheduling on Dual-Priority Delta Networks
- Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing Scheduling on Quad-Priority Delta Networks
- Comparative Study of Protocols of the Transport Layer for Multimedia Applications
- Distributed information systems tailorability: A component approach
- Evaluation study of a wireless multimedia traffic-oriented network model
- Improving Performance of Finite-buffered Blocking Delta Networks with 2-class Priority Routing by Asymmetric-sized Buffer Queues
- Improving performance of a wireless multimedia traffic-oriented network through prediction of routing
- Modelling and performance evaluation of a novel internal priority routing scheme for finite-buffered multistage interconnection networks
- Performance Analysis of Dual-Priority Multilayer Multistage Interconnection Networks under Multicast Environment
- Performance Analysis of Multi-Layered Multi-Priority Asymetric-Sized Delta Networks
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- Performance Analysis of dual priority single-buffered blocking Multistage Interconnection Networks
- Performance Analysis of two-priority network schema for single-buffered delta networks
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- Performance Study of Multi-Layered Multistage Interconnection Networks under Hotspot Traffic Conditions
- Performance Tuning of Dual-priority Delta Networks through Queuing Scheduling Disciplines
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- Routing and Performance Analysis of Double-Buffered Omega Networks Supporting Multi-Class Priority Traffic
- Routing and Performance Evaluation of Dual Priority Delta Networks under Hotspot Environment
- The role of priority mechanisms on performance metrics of double-buffered Switching Elements
- Service-Oriented Architectures
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- Adapting WS-BPEL scenario execution using collaborative filtering techniques
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- An integrated framework for QoS-based adaptation and exception resolution in WS-BPEL scenarios
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- Enhancing BPEL scenarios with Dynamic Relevance-Based Exception Handling
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- Web Service Execution Streamlining
- E-government and e-commerce
- Design and Development
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- Ontology for e-Government public services
- Reverse-engineering electronic services
- Frameworks, methodologies and models
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- The Conceptual Model of Context for Mobile Commerce Applications
- The Lifecycle Of Transactional Services
- Transactional e-Government Services: an Integrated Approach
- Issues, factors and barriers
- Platforms, systems and architectures
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- Adaptive Virtual Reality Shopping Malls
- Exploiting Context in Mobile Applications
- Integrating e-Government Public Transactional Services in the Public Authority Workflow
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- Tailorability in the context of E-government Information Systems: An approach
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- The Architecture for Context Management of m-Commerce Applications
- Design and Development
- Web Systems
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- A system to support dissemination of knowledge and sharing of experiences in the working environment
- An Integrated Environment for Cataloguing and Online Presentation of Museum Exhibits
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- Multilingual Web Site Construction and Maintenance
- Serving Enhanced Hypermedia Information
- Wikis in enterprise settings: a survey
- Human-computer interaction & VR
- Human-computer interaction
- A methodological framework for the cognitive-behavioural evaluation of educational e-games
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- Localisation and Linguistic Anomalies
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- Virtual Reality and Virtual Museums
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- Visualization
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- An Interview-Based User Study on the use of Visualizations for Folder Browsing
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- Visualization method effectiveness in ontology-based information retrieval tasks involving entity evolution
- Visualizing Hierarchies: Evaluating the Efficiency and Cognitive Effects of Six Visualization Techniques for Browsing and Management Tasks
- Visualizing a Temporally-Enhanced Ontology
- Human-computer interaction
- Semantics-based and recommender systems
- Semantic web & Ontologies
- Capturing the historical research methodology: an experimental approach
- Creating an Historical Archive Ontology: Guidelines and Evaluation
- Creating an Ontology for the User Profile: Method and Applications
- Effectiveness of visualization for information retrieval through ontologies with entity evolution: the impact of ontology modelling
- ExhiSTORY: IoT in the service of Cultural Heritage
- From the Web of Data to a World of Action
- Historical Archive Ontologies - Requirements, Modeling and Visualization
- Historical research in archives: user methodology and supporting tools
- Interconnecting Objects, Visitors, Sites and (Hi)Stories across Cultural and Historical Concepts: the CrossCult project
- Mindmap-Inspired Semantic Personal Information Management
- OntoFM: A Personal Ontology-based File Manager for the Desktop
- Ontologies and the Brain: Using Spreading Activation through Ontologies to Support Personal Interaction
- Ontologies as Tools for Historians
- Ontology Visualization Methods - A Survey
- Ontology-Aided Information Retrieval in Digital Historical Archives
- Personal Ontology Creation and Visualization for a Personal Interaction Management System
- Personality analysis of social media influencers as a tool for cultural institutions
- Serious games: Valuable Tools for Cultural Heritage
- Spreading Activation Over Ontologies: From Personal Context To Web Scale Reasoning
- Spreading Activation for Web Scale Reasoning: Promise and Problems
- Stimulation of Reflection and Discussion in Museum Visits through the use of Social Media
- Supporting User Roles in Ontology Fuzzification
- The effect of social media trending topics related to cultural venues’ content
- The use of semantics in the CrossCult H2020 project
- Towards a Learning Analytics Platform for Supporting the Educational Process
- User profile ontology version 1
- Using Social media to stimulate history reflection in cultural heritage
- Using Spreading Activation through Ontologies to Support Personal Information Management
- WhereRU: GPS position reporting and a personal ontology as a virtual community utility
- exhiSTORY: Smart Exhibits That Tell Their Own Stories
- t-Protégé: A Temporal Extension for Protégé
- Recommender systems
- A distributed recommender system architecture
- Improving museum visitors' Quality of Experience through intelligent recommendations: A visiting style-based approach
- Knowledge-Based Leisure Time Recommendations in Social Networks
- Enhancing Rating Prediction Quality through Improving the Accuracy of Detection of Shifts in Rating Practices
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- Enhancing User Rating Database Consistency through Pruning
- Experimental results for considering Virtual Near Neighbors in Collaborative Filtering’s Rating Prediction
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- Exploiting Rating Abstention Intervals for Addressing Concept Drift in Social Network Recommender Systems
- Improving Collaborative Filtering's Rating Prediction Quality by Considering Shifts in Rating Practices
- Improving Collaborative Filtering's Rating Prediction Quality in Dense Datasets, by Pruning Old Ratings
- Improving Collaborative Filtering’s Rating Prediction Accuracy by Considering Users’ Rating Variability
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- Making recommendations in Social Networks based on textual reviews: a confidence-based approach (version 2.0)
- Making recommendations in Social Networks based on textual reviews: a confidence-based approach
- Query personalization using social network information and collaborative filtering techniques
- Recommendation Information Diffusion in Social Networks Considering User Influence and Semantics
- Using Time Clusters for Following Users’ Shifts in Rating Practices
- Semantic web & Ontologies
- Other publications
- A Methodology for the Automatic Creation of Massive Continuous Query Datasets from Real-Life Corpora
- Data Warehouses and OLAP
- A Generic and Customizable Framework for the Design of ETL Scenarios
- Advanced Visualization for Mobile OLAP
- Advanced Visualization for OLAP
- Arktos: A Tool For Data Cleaning and Transformation in Data Warehouse Environments
- Arktos: Towards the Modeling, Design, Control and Execution of ETL Processes
- Blueprints for ETL workflows
- CPM: A Cube Presentation Model for OLAP
- Conceptual Modelling for ETL Processes
- Graph-Based Modeling of ETL Activities with Multi-Level Transformations and Updates
- Modelling ETL Activities as Graphs
- Modelling ETL Processes as Graphs
- Modelling and Language Support for the Management of Pattern-Bases
- Modelling and Optimization Issues for Multidimensional Databases
- Modelling and Querying Multidimensional Databases
- On the Logical Modelling of ETL Processes
- Databases
- Distributed and web-based systems
- Efficient and Expressive Semantic Information Push for Cultural Heritage Applications
- FML-kNN: scalable machine learning on Big Data using k-nearest neighbor joins
- Map-Based Visual Exploration of Geolocated Time Series
- Parallel Algorithm for Incremental Betweenness Centrality on Large Graphs
- Parallel and Distributed Databases
- Real time systems (Συστήματα πραγματικού χρόνου)
- Spatiotemporal databases
- A Comparative Study of Temporal DBMS Architectures
- A Flexible Framework for Managing Temporal Clinical Trial Data
- An Optimization Scheme for Coalesce/Valid Time Selection Operator
- Composing Cardinal Direction Relations
- Composing Cardinal Directions Relations
- Composition Algorithm for Cardinal Direction Relations
- Computing and Handling Cardinal Direction Information
- Computing and Managing Cardinal Direction Relations
- Consistency Checking for Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Cardinal Directions
- Function Oriented History Representation in Databases
- Implementation of Transaction and Concurrency Control Support in a Temporal DBMS
- Implementing Embedded Valid Time Query Languages
- On the Consistency of Cardinal Directions Constraints
- Querying Indefinite Spatial and Temporal Information: The New Frontier
- Querying Temporal Constraint Networks in PTIME
- Querying Temporal and Spatial Constraint Networks in PTIME
- Spatiotemporal Models and Languages: An Approach Based on Constraints
- TOOBIS: Application of the Management of Temporal Data in Clinical Research
- Temporal Extension to ODMG
- Tractable Query Answering in Indefinite Constraint Databases: Basic Results&Applications to Querying SpatioTemporal Information
- Transaction Support in a Temporal DBMS
- The Effect of Introducing Content Price in Distributed Social Networks
- Other
- Distributed systems