Publications on Web Systems
- Publications
- Distributed systems
- A Methodology for the Implementation of Software for the Design of Distributed Systems
- An Enhanced System for File Access in a Distributed UNIX Environment
- Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing Scheduling on Dual-Priority Delta Networks
- Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing Scheduling on Quad-Priority Delta Networks
- Comparative Study of Protocols of the Transport Layer for Multimedia Applications
- Distributed information systems tailorability: A component approach
- Evaluation study of a wireless multimedia traffic-oriented network model
- Improving Performance of Finite-buffered Blocking Delta Networks with 2-class Priority Routing by Asymmetric-sized Buffer Queues
- Improving performance of a wireless multimedia traffic-oriented network through prediction of routing
- Modelling and performance evaluation of a novel internal priority routing scheme for finite-buffered multistage interconnection networks
- Performance Analysis of Dual-Priority Multilayer Multistage Interconnection Networks under Multicast Environment
- Performance Analysis of Multi-Layered Multi-Priority Asymetric-Sized Delta Networks
- Performance Analysis of Multistage Interconnection Networks determining optimal parameters for data-intensive business applications
- Performance Analysis of dual priority single-buffered blocking Multistage Interconnection Networks
- Performance Analysis of two-priority network schema for single-buffered delta networks
- Performance Evaluation of Distance Vector Routing Protocol on a Wireless Circular Model
- Performance Evaluation of Multicast Routing over Multilayer Multistage Interconnection Networks
- Performance Study of Multi-Layered Multistage Interconnection Networks under Hotspot Traffic Conditions
- Performance Tuning of Dual-priority Delta Networks through Queuing Scheduling Disciplines
- Performance analysis of blocking banyan switches
- Routing and Performance Analysis of Double-Buffered Omega Networks Supporting Multi-Class Priority Traffic
- Routing and Performance Evaluation of Dual Priority Delta Networks under Hotspot Environment
- The role of priority mechanisms on performance metrics of double-buffered Switching Elements
- Service-Oriented Architectures
- A Collaborative Filtering Algorithm with Clustering for Personalized Web Service Selection in Business Processes
- A Hybrid Framework for WS-BPEL Scenario Execution Adaptation, Using Monitoring and Feedback Data
- A framework for adaptation in secure web services
- Adapting WS-BPEL scenario execution using collaborative filtering techniques
- An Active Blackboard for Service Discovery, Composition and Execution
- An Active Ontology-based Blackboard Architecture for Web Service Interoperability
- An integrated framework for QoS-based adaptation and exception resolution in WS-BPEL scenarios
- An integrated framework for adapting WS-BPEL scenario execution using QoS and collaborative filtering techniques
- Combining Quality of Service-based and Collaborating filtering-based techniques for BPEL scenario execution adaptation
- Enhancing BPEL scenarios with Dynamic Relevance-Based Exception Handling
- Exception Resolution for BPEL Processes: a Middleware-based Framework and Performance Evaluation
- Improving QoS Delivered by WS-BPEL Scenario Adaptation through Service Execution Parallelization
- On Replacement Service Selection in WS-BPEL Scenario Adaptation
- Preprocessor transformations for implementing greedy and service provider-level QoS-based adaptation for BPEL scenario execution
- Pruning and Aging for User Histories in Collaborative Filtering
- QoS-Driven Adaptation of BPEL Scenario Execution
- QoS-aware Exception Resolution for BPEL Processes: A Middleware-based Framework and Performance Evaluation
- Towards Dynamic, Relevance-Driven Exception Resolution in Composite Web Services
- Web Service Execution Streamlining
- E-government and e-commerce
- Design and Development
- A Heuristics-Based Approach to Reverse Engineering of Electronic Services
- An Object-Oriented Approach for Designing Administrative e-Forms and Transactional e-Services
- An XML model for electronic services
- Exploiting Form Semantics and Validation Checks to Improve e-Form Layout
- Improving e-form layout through analysis of form semantics and validation checks
- Ontology for e-Government public services
- Reverse-engineering electronic services
- Frameworks, methodologies and models
- A Framework for Managing the Lifecycle of Transactional e-Government Services
- A Software Architecture for Provision of Context-Aware Web-based m-Commerce Applications
- A context management architecture for m-commerce applications
- Component Reuse in Electronic Services Development
- Context Management for m-Commerce Applications: Determinants, Methodology and the Role of Marketing
- Domain Expert User Development: The SmartGov Approach
- E-forms services for the Public Sector: Shifting Development Effort from Programmers to Domain Experts
- Mobile and Context-Aware e-Commerce: Issues, Challenges and Research Directions
- Reusability In Governmental Electronic Services
- Reusability in Electronic Services Development
- The Conceptual Model of Context for Mobile Commerce Applications
- The Lifecycle Of Transactional Services
- Transactional e-Government Services: an Integrated Approach
- Issues, factors and barriers
- Platforms, systems and architectures
- A Blackboard-oriented Architecture for e-Government service composition
- A Knowledge-Based Approach for Developing Multi-Channel e-Government Services
- A Semantics-Based Consultations Workbench
- Adaptive Virtual Reality Shopping Malls
- Exploiting Context in Mobile Applications
- Integrating e-Government Public Transactional Services in the Public Authority Workflow
- SMARTGOV: A Governmental Knowledge-based Platform for Public Sector Online Services
- SmartGov: A Knowledge-based Platform for Transactional Electronic Services
- Tailorability in the context of E-government Information Systems: An approach
- Tailorable e-government information systems
- The Architecture for Context Management of m-Commerce Applications
- Design and Development
- Web Systems
- A Web Browser for ISDN Card Phones
- A system to support dissemination of knowledge and sharing of experiences in the working environment
- An Integrated Environment for Cataloguing and Online Presentation of Museum Exhibits
- Content enrichment through dynamic annotation
- Controlled Caching of Dynamic WWW Pages
- Is Server-Side Programming Killing Your Web Server?
- Multilingual Web Site Construction and Maintenance
- Serving Enhanced Hypermedia Information
- Wikis in enterprise settings: a survey
- Human-computer interaction & VR
- Human-computer interaction
- A methodological framework for the cognitive-behavioural evaluation of educational e-games
- Dynamic Second Language Support for Web-based Information Systems
- English Assistant: A Support Strategy for On-Line Second Language Learning
- Enhancement of the X-Windows system with bilingual capabilities
- Human Computer Interaction and the Second Language Problem
- It's not Greek to me: Terminology and the Second Language Problem
- Localisation and Linguistic Anomalies
- Second-Language Help for Windows Applications
- Subtitled interaction: Complementary support as an alternative to localisation
- Tools for Second Language Support
- Virtual Reality and Virtual Museums
- A Drupal CMS Module for Managing Museum Collections
- A Game-Engine Based Virtual Museum Authoring and Presentation System
- A methodology for the design of online exhibitions
- Adaptive Virtual Museums on the Web
- An approach to designing and implementing virtual museums
- Applying Clustering Algorithms to Web-based Adaptive Virtual Environments
- Building a VR-Museum in a Museum
- Designing a virtual museum within a museum
- Facilitating VR Museums Web Presence
- Real exhibitions in a virtual museum
- User Profiling: Towards a Facebook Game that Reveals Cognitive Style
- Virtual Museums for all: Employing Game Technology for Edutainment
- Virtual reality in the e-Society
- Formalization and visualization of the narrative for museum guides
- Personalized Augmented Reality Experiences in Museums using Google Cardboards
- The Human Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality Lab (University of Peloponnese): overview and current challenges
- Visualization
- A Comparative Study of Four Ontology Visualization Techniques in Protégé: Experiment Setup and Preliminary Results
- A Context-Based Adaptive Visualization Environment
- An Interview-Based User Study on the use of Visualizations for Folder Browsing
- Context and Adaptivity-Driven Visualization Method Selection
- Evaluating the Significance of the Windows Explorer Visualization in Personal Information Management Browsing tasks
- Selected Results of a Comparative Study of Four Ontology Visualization Methods for Information Retrieval tasks
- Supporting Research in Historical Archives: Historical Information Visualization and Modeling Requirements
- Visualization method effectiveness in ontology-based information retrieval tasks involving entity evolution
- Visualizing Hierarchies: Evaluating the Efficiency and Cognitive Effects of Six Visualization Techniques for Browsing and Management Tasks
- Visualizing a Temporally-Enhanced Ontology
- Human-computer interaction
- Semantics-based and recommender systems
- Semantic web & Ontologies
- Capturing the historical research methodology: an experimental approach
- Creating an Historical Archive Ontology: Guidelines and Evaluation
- Creating an Ontology for the User Profile: Method and Applications
- Effectiveness of visualization for information retrieval through ontologies with entity evolution: the impact of ontology modelling
- ExhiSTORY: IoT in the service of Cultural Heritage
- From the Web of Data to a World of Action
- Historical Archive Ontologies - Requirements, Modeling and Visualization
- Historical research in archives: user methodology and supporting tools
- Interconnecting Objects, Visitors, Sites and (Hi)Stories across Cultural and Historical Concepts: the CrossCult project
- Mindmap-Inspired Semantic Personal Information Management
- OntoFM: A Personal Ontology-based File Manager for the Desktop
- Ontologies and the Brain: Using Spreading Activation through Ontologies to Support Personal Interaction
- Ontologies as Tools for Historians
- Ontology Visualization Methods - A Survey
- Ontology-Aided Information Retrieval in Digital Historical Archives
- Personal Ontology Creation and Visualization for a Personal Interaction Management System
- Personality analysis of social media influencers as a tool for cultural institutions
- Serious games: Valuable Tools for Cultural Heritage
- Spreading Activation Over Ontologies: From Personal Context To Web Scale Reasoning
- Spreading Activation for Web Scale Reasoning: Promise and Problems
- Stimulation of Reflection and Discussion in Museum Visits through the use of Social Media
- Supporting User Roles in Ontology Fuzzification
- The effect of social media trending topics related to cultural venues’ content
- The use of semantics in the CrossCult H2020 project
- Towards a Learning Analytics Platform for Supporting the Educational Process
- User profile ontology version 1
- Using Social media to stimulate history reflection in cultural heritage
- Using Spreading Activation through Ontologies to Support Personal Information Management
- WhereRU: GPS position reporting and a personal ontology as a virtual community utility
- exhiSTORY: Smart Exhibits That Tell Their Own Stories
- t-Protégé: A Temporal Extension for Protégé
- Recommender systems
- A distributed recommender system architecture
- Improving museum visitors' Quality of Experience through intelligent recommendations: A visiting style-based approach
- Knowledge-Based Leisure Time Recommendations in Social Networks
- Enhancing Rating Prediction Quality through Improving the Accuracy of Detection of Shifts in Rating Practices
- Enhancing Rating Prediction Quality through Improving the Accuracy of Detection of Shifts in Rating Practices
- Enhancing User Rating Database Consistency through Pruning
- Experimental results for considering Virtual Near Neighbors in Collaborative Filtering’s Rating Prediction
- Exploiting Internet of Things Information to Enhance Venues' Recommendation Accuracy
- Exploiting Rating Abstention Intervals for Addressing Concept Drift in Social Network Recommender Systems
- Improving Collaborative Filtering's Rating Prediction Quality by Considering Shifts in Rating Practices
- Improving Collaborative Filtering's Rating Prediction Quality in Dense Datasets, by Pruning Old Ratings
- Improving Collaborative Filtering’s Rating Prediction Accuracy by Considering Users’ Rating Variability
- Improving Collaborative Filtering’s Rating Prediction Coverage in Sparse Datasets by Exploiting User Dissimilarity
- Making recommendations in Social Networks based on textual reviews: a confidence-based approach (version 2.0)
- Making recommendations in Social Networks based on textual reviews: a confidence-based approach
- Query personalization using social network information and collaborative filtering techniques
- Recommendation Information Diffusion in Social Networks Considering User Influence and Semantics
- Using Time Clusters for Following Users’ Shifts in Rating Practices
- Semantic web & Ontologies
- Other publications
- A Methodology for the Automatic Creation of Massive Continuous Query Datasets from Real-Life Corpora
- Data Warehouses and OLAP
- A Generic and Customizable Framework for the Design of ETL Scenarios
- Advanced Visualization for Mobile OLAP
- Advanced Visualization for OLAP
- Arktos: A Tool For Data Cleaning and Transformation in Data Warehouse Environments
- Arktos: Towards the Modeling, Design, Control and Execution of ETL Processes
- Blueprints for ETL workflows
- CPM: A Cube Presentation Model for OLAP
- Conceptual Modelling for ETL Processes
- Graph-Based Modeling of ETL Activities with Multi-Level Transformations and Updates
- Modelling ETL Activities as Graphs
- Modelling ETL Processes as Graphs
- Modelling and Language Support for the Management of Pattern-Bases
- Modelling and Optimization Issues for Multidimensional Databases
- Modelling and Querying Multidimensional Databases
- On the Logical Modelling of ETL Processes
- Databases
- Distributed and web-based systems
- Efficient and Expressive Semantic Information Push for Cultural Heritage Applications
- FML-kNN: scalable machine learning on Big Data using k-nearest neighbor joins
- Map-Based Visual Exploration of Geolocated Time Series
- Parallel Algorithm for Incremental Betweenness Centrality on Large Graphs
- Parallel and Distributed Databases
- Real time systems (Συστήματα πραγματικού χρόνου)
- Spatiotemporal databases
- A Comparative Study of Temporal DBMS Architectures
- A Flexible Framework for Managing Temporal Clinical Trial Data
- An Optimization Scheme for Coalesce/Valid Time Selection Operator
- Composing Cardinal Direction Relations
- Composing Cardinal Directions Relations
- Composition Algorithm for Cardinal Direction Relations
- Computing and Handling Cardinal Direction Information
- Computing and Managing Cardinal Direction Relations
- Consistency Checking for Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Cardinal Directions
- Function Oriented History Representation in Databases
- Implementation of Transaction and Concurrency Control Support in a Temporal DBMS
- Implementing Embedded Valid Time Query Languages
- On the Consistency of Cardinal Directions Constraints
- Querying Indefinite Spatial and Temporal Information: The New Frontier
- Querying Temporal Constraint Networks in PTIME
- Querying Temporal and Spatial Constraint Networks in PTIME
- Spatiotemporal Models and Languages: An Approach Based on Constraints
- TOOBIS: Application of the Management of Temporal Data in Clinical Research
- Temporal Extension to ODMG
- Tractable Query Answering in Indefinite Constraint Databases: Basic Results&Applications to Querying SpatioTemporal Information
- Transaction Support in a Temporal DBMS
- The Effect of Introducing Content Price in Distributed Social Networks
- Other
- Distributed systems