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Wallace M, Alexopoulos P, Papafragkos I, Vassilakis C.  2011.  Supporting User Roles in Ontology Fuzzification. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Semantic media adaptation and personalization (SMAP).
Antoniou A, Diakakis D, Lepouras G, Vassilakis C.  2011.  Towards a methodological framework for the cognitive-behavioural evaluation of educational e-games. International Journal of Learning Technology. 6:263–287.
Anand A, Bedathur S, Berberich K, Schenkel R, Tryfonopoulos C.  2009.  EverLast: A Distributed Architecture for Preserving the Web. Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL).
Koubarakis M, Tryfonopoulos C, Idreos S, Drougas Y.  2003.  Selective Information Dissemination in P2P Networks: Problems and Solutions. SIGMOD Record, Special Issue on Peer-to-Peer Data Management. 32:71-76.