A web browser for ISDN card phones

TitleA web browser for ISDN card phones
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsMaroulis D., Aronis S., Nassiapoulou V., Grammenos N., Vassilakis C
JournalJournal of Internet Technology
KeywordsBandwidth, Costs, Embedded systems, HTML, Information analysis, Integrated multiprotocol, ISDN card phone, Laptop computers, Mobile phones, Personal computers, Personal digital assistants, Proxy servers, Voice/data communication systems, Web browsers
AbstractIn order to cover the ever-increasing need for more direct and easy access to information, new information access means need to be devised or existing ones need to be further exploited. In this paper, we present a mini Web Browser for ISDN card phones, which enables this widespread device to be used for accessing information in the World Wide Web. The implemented web browser supports HTML and WML pages, while special care was taken to tackle the limitations imposed by the ISDN card phone's hardware, such as small screen, limited keyboard, scarce processing and memory resources. One of the techniques employed to increase the capabilities of the ISDN card phone browser was the introduction of a proxy server, which transforms demanding media types to formats that can be handled by the ISDN card phone hardware.