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Gouscos D., Rouvas S., Vassilakis C, Georgiadis P..  2002.  An Object-Oriented Approach for Designing Administrative E-forms and Transactional E-services. OOIS '02: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Object-Oriented. Information Systems. :19–30.
Lepouras G, Vassilakis C.  2000.  Multilingual Web Site Construction and Maintenance. Proceedings of the SCI 2000 conference. :56-61.
Vasiliadis D.C., Rizos G.E., Vassilakis C.  2013.  Modelling and performance study of finite-buffered blocking multistage interconnection networks supporting natively 2-class priority routing traffic. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 36(2):723–737.
Vasiliadis D.C., Rizos G.E., Vassilakis C, Glavas E..  2011.  Modelling and performance evaluation of a novel internal priority routing scheme for finite-buffered multistage interconnection networks. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems. 26(5):381–397.
Boukoros S, Nugaliyadde A, Marnerides A, Vassilakis C, Koutsakis P, Wong KWai.  2017.  Modeling Server Workloads for Campus Email Traffic Using Recurrent Neural Networks. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017). :57–66.
Μασσέλος K., Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Tryfonopoulos C, Τσελίκας Ν., Platis N.  2015.  A mobile-enabled platform for presenting and disseminating cultural heritage information enhanced with augmented reality (Greek title: ΜΙΑ ΠΛΑΤΦΟΡΜΑ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΙΑΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΧΥΣΗ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΛΗΡΟΝΟΜΙΑΣ ΜΕ ΥΠΟΣΤΗΡΙΞΗ ΓΙΑ ΚΙΝΗΤΕΣ ΣΥΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΜΠ. 1st Panhellenic Conference on Cultural Heritage Digitization.
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Skiadopoulos S.  2008.  Mobile and context-aware e-commerce: Issues, challenges and research directions. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations. 6:i-iv.
Rompa J, Tryfonopoulos C, Vassilakis C, Lepouras G.  2014.  Mindmap-Inspired Semantic Personal Information Management. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT).
Rompa J., Tryfonopoulos C, Vassilakis C, Lepouras G.  2014.  Mindmap-Inspired Semantic Personal Information Management. Demo at the 17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 2014, Athens, Greece.
Vassilakis C, Georgiadis P., Lelis D., Mouzakis D., Nikolaidou M..  1993.  A Methodology for the Implementation of Software for the Design of Distributed Systems. Proceedings of the 4th Hellenic Conference on Informatics. :673–686.
Antoniou A, Lepouras G, Vassilakis C.  2013.  A methodology for the design of online exhibitions. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology. 33:158–167.
Spiliotopoulos D, Vassilakis C, Margaris D, Kotis K.  2019.  A Methodology for Generated Text Annotation for High Quality Speech Synthesis. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA2019).
Kareliotis C, Vassilakis C, Rouvas S., Georgiadis P..  2009.  IQoS-aware exception resolution for BPEL processes: A middleware-based framework and performance evaluation. International Journal of Web and Grid Services. 5:284-320.
Golemati M., Katifori A, Giannopoulou E.G., Daradimos I., Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Halatsis C..  2008.  An interview-based user study on the use of visualizations for folder browsing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation. :106-112.
Vassilakis C, Antoniou A, Lepouras G, Wallace M, Lykourentzou I, Naudet Y..  2016.  Interconnecting Objects, Visitors, Sites and (Hi)Stories Across Cultural and Historical Concepts: The CrossCult Project. Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. :501–510.
Golemati M., Vassilakis C, Katifori A, Lepouras G, Halatsis C..  2008.  Intelligent User Interfaces: Adaptation and Personalization Systems and Technologies. :188–204.
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Rouvas S., Georgiadis P..  2004.  Integrating e-government public transactional services into public authority workflows. Electronic Government. 1:49-60.
Margaris D, Vassilakis C, Georgiadis P..  2013.  An integrated framework for QoS-based adaptation and exception resolution in WS-BPEL scenarios. Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC \textquotesingle13.
Margaris D, Vassilakis C, Georgiadis P..  2015.  An integrated framework for adapting WS-BPEL scenario execution using QoS and collaborative filtering techniques. Science of Computer Programming. 98:707–734.
Vassilakis C, Katifori A, Daradimos I., Lepouras G.  2008.  An Integrated Environment for Cataloguing and Online Presentation of Museum Exhibits. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology. 28(4):72-78.
Margaris D, Vassilakis C, Georgiadis P..  2016.  Improving QoS Delivered by WS-BPEL Scenario Adaptation through Service Execution Parallelization. Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. :1590-1596.
Vasiliadis D.C., Rizos G.E., Vassilakis C.  2008.  Improving performance of finite-buffered blocking delta networks with 2-class priority routing through asymmetric-sized buffer queues. Proceedings - 4th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT 2008. :23-29.
Vasiliadis D.C., Rizos G.E., Vassilakis C.  2010.  Improving performance of a wireless multimedia traffic-oriented network through prediction of routing. International Journal on Information Technologies & Security. 3:3-16.