Personality Analysis of Social Media Influencers as a Tool for Cultural Institutions

TitlePersonality Analysis of Social Media Influencers as a Tool for Cultural Institutions
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsPoulopoulos V, Vassilakis C, Antoniou A, Lepouras G, Wallace M
Conference NameDigital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
Keywordscultural informatics, influencers, personality traits, social media, user modeling
AbstractNowadays, more and more cultural venues tend to utilize social media as a main tool for marketing, spreading their messages, engaging public and raising public awareness towards culture. It comes to a point where the massive of content in social media makes it a tedious procedure to contact the appropriate audience, the people that would really be stimulated by cultural information. In this notion, we assume that establishing conversations of high impact can possibly guide the cultural venues to audiences that can benefit more. These conversations usually include the so called influencers, users whose opinion can affect many people on social media; the latter usually referred to as followers. In this research paper we examine the characteristics of the influencers that can affect the procedures of a cultural venue on social media. The research is done within the scope of "CrossCult" EU funded project.