Virtual Cultural Experiences for the Elderly: Formative Studies and First Findings Regarding Cultural Content

TitleVirtual Cultural Experiences for the Elderly: Formative Studies and First Findings Regarding Cultural Content
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2025
AuthorsAntoniou A, Vassilakis C, Kantianis G, Sylaiou S, Kolokithas G
JournalApplied Sciences
Date PublishedFebruary
Keywordscontent requirements, elders, Virtual reality

In societies with aging populations, the active participation of elders in all aspects of societal life is crucial. Cultural heritage provides a rich vehicle for engaging elders, stimulating both cognitive and affective responses, and keeping human brains active. This study focused on gathering requirements for creating content for virtual cultural experiences. Specifically, participants were shown various images and a film, and their self-reported thoughts and emotions were collected. The images were chosen by experts for the specific emotions they could trigger. The same images were analyzed with sentiment analysis software and finally given to the elders to express their emotions. The results of sentiment analysis, the analysis of experts, and the data from the participants were compared, showing differences between the perceived emotions. Regarding the historical film, the participants discussed the main emotions they experienced. The results were analyzed to extract guidelines for the content creation of VR applications.
