SMARTGOV: A Governmental Knowledge-based Platform for Public Sector Online Services

TitleSMARTGOV: A Governmental Knowledge-based Platform for Public Sector Online Services
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsTambouris E., Boukis G., Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Rouvas S., Canadas R., Heredia S., Usero J.CLopez
Conference NameProceedings KMGov2002
Date Published5
Conference LocationCopenhagen, Denmark
AbstractPublic transaction services (such as e-forms), although perceived the future of e-government have not yet realised their full potential. E-forms have a significant role in e-government, as they are the basis for realising most of the twenty public services that all European Union member states have to provide to their citizens and businesses. The aim of this paper is to present a knowledge-based platform to assist public sector employees to generate online transaction services by simplifying their development, maintenance and integration with already installed IT systems.