Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government and Mobile Commerce

TitleEncyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government and Mobile Commerce
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsLepouras G, Sotiropoulou A, Theotokis D, Vassilakis C
EditorKhosrow-Pour M
ChapterTailorable e-government information systems
PublisherIdea Group Inc.
AbstractReal-world information, knowledge and procedures after which information systems are modeled are generally of dynamic nature and subject to changes, due to the emergence of new requirements or revisions to initial specifications. E-government information systems (eGIS) present a higher degree of volatility in their environment, since requirement changes may stem from multiple sources, including legislation changes, organizational reforms, end-user needs, interoperability and distribution concerns etc. To this end, the design and implementation of eGIS must adhere to paradigms and practices that facilitate the accommodation of changes to the eGIS as they occur in the real world. In this work, we present a role-based model for designing and implementing eGIS that can dynamically accomodate changes, providing the necessary facilities for modeling multiple aspects of the same real-world entities and delivering context-specific behaviour.