Towards a Learning Analytics Platform for Supporting the Educational Process

TitleTowards a Learning Analytics Platform for Supporting the Educational Process
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsLepouras G, Katifori A, Vassilakis C, Antoniou A, Platis N
Conference NameProceedings of the 5th Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems & Application (IISA2014)
Date Published7
AbstractIn this paper, we present the vision of an open source learning analytics platform, able to harvest data from different sources, including e-learning platforms and environments, registrar's information systems, alumni systems, etc., so as to provide all stakeholders with the necessary functionality to make decisions on the learning process. The platform's architecture is modular, allowing the introduction of new functionality or connection to new systems to collect needed data. All data can be analyzed and presented though interactive visualizations to find correlations between metrics, to make predictions for students or student groups, to identify best practices for instructors and let them explore 'what-if' scenarios, to offer students personalized recommendations and personalized detailed feedback, etc. Our objective is to inform and empower all stakeholders to improve the learning experience.