Publications related to t-Protégé
Visualizing a Temporally-Enhanced Ontology
Katifori Akrivi, Vassilakis Costas, Lepouras Georgios, Daradimos Ilias, Halatsis ConstantinProceedings of the ACM Advanced Visual Interfaces 06 Conference.
Most ontology development methodologies and tools for ontology management deal with ontology snapshots, i.e. they model and manage only the most recent version of ontologies, which is inadequate for contexts where the history of the ontology is of interest, such as historical archives. This work presents a modeling for entity and relationship timelines in the Protégé tool, complemented with a visualization plug-in, which enables users to examine entity evolution along the timeline.
A Comparative Study of Four Ontology Visualization Techniques in Protégé: Experiment Setup and Preliminary Results
Akrivi Katifori , Elena Torou, Constantin Halatsis, Lepouras Georgios and Costas VassilakisProceedings of the IV 06 Conference.
The continuing need for more effective information retrieval has lead to the creation of the notions of the semantic web and personalized information management, areas of study that very often employ ontologies to represent the semantic context of a domain. Consequently, the need for effective ontology visualization for design, management and browsing has arisen. There are several ontology visualizations available through the existing ontology management tools, but not as many evaluations to determine their advantages and disadvantages and their suitability for various ontologies and user groups. This work presents the preliminary results of an evaluation of four visualization methods in Protégé.
t-Protégé – A Temporal Extension for Protégé
Vassilakis, Costas, Lepouras, George, Katifori, Akrivi, Technical Report TR-SSDBL-06-001, June 2006, Tripoli, Greece
This work presents t-Protégé, a temporal extension to Protégé allowing for creating, managing and visualizing ontologies for time-varying domains.