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Katifori A, Halatsis C., Lepouras G, Vassilakis C, Giannopoulou E.G..  2007.  Ontology visualization methods - A survey. ACM Computing Surveys. 39:10:1-10:43.
Katifori A, Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Torou E.  2015.  Effectiveness of visualization for information retrieval through ontologies with entity evolution: the impact of ontology modeling. International Journal of Information Retrieval Research. 5:26.
Katifori A, Vassilakis C.  2008.  Ontologies as Tools for Historians. International Symposium on Information & communication technologies in cultural heritage.
Katifori A, Golemati M., Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Halatsis C..  2007.  Creating an Ontology for the User Profile: Method and Applications. RCIS. :407–412.
Katifori A, Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Daradimos I., Halatsis C..  2006.  Visualizing a temporally-enhanced ontology. AVI '06: Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces. :488–491.
Katifori A, Torou E, Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Halatsis C..  2008.  Selected results of a comparative study of four ontology visualization methods for information retrieval tasks. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, RCIS 2008. :133-140.
Katifori A, Vassilakis C, Dix A.  2008.  Using Spreading Activation through Ontologies to Support Personal Information Management. Proceedings of CSKGOI, within IUI 2008.
Katifori A, Torou E, Vassilakis C, Halatsis C..  2008.  Supporting research in historical archives: Historical information visualization and modeling requirements. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation. :32-37.
Katifori A, Vassilakis C, Torou E, Lepouras G, Halatsis C., Daradimos I..  2007.  Historical Archive Ontologies Requirements, Modeling and Visualization. RCIS. :401-406.
Katifori A, Vassilakis C, Dix A.  2010.  Ontologies and the brain: Using spreading activation through ontologies to support personal interaction. Cognitive Systems Research. Volume 11, Issue 1:25-41.
Katifori A, Torou E, Halatsis C., Lepouras G, Vassilakis C.  2006.  A Comparative Study of Four Ontology Visualization Techniques in Protege: Experiment Setup and Preliminary Results. IV '06: Proceedings of the conference on Information Visualization. :417–423.
Kolokotronis N, Brotsis S, Germanos G, Vassilakis C, Shiaeles S.  2019.  On Blockchain Architectures for Trust-based Collaborative Intrusion Detection. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Services Workshop on Cyber Security and Resilience in the Internet Of Things, within IEEE Services 2019.
Koloveas P, Chantzios T, Tryfonopoulos C, Skiadopoulos S.  2016.  A crawler architecture for harvesting the clear, social, and dark web for IoT-related cyber-threat intelligence. In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Cyber Security & Resilience in the Internet of Things (CSRIoT @ IEEE Services).
Kontominas D, Raftopoulou P, Tryfonopoulos C, Petrakis E.G.M..  2013.  DS4: A Distributed Social and Semantic Search System. Proceedings of 35th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR).
Koryzis D, Margaris D, Vassilakis C, Kotis K, Spiliotopoulos D.  2023.  Disruptive Technologies for Parliaments: A Literature Review. Future Internet. 15:66.
Koryzis D, Fitsilis F, Spiliotopoulos D, Theocharopoulos T, Margaris D, Vassilakis C.  2020.  Policy Making Analysis and Practitioner User Experience. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
Koubarakis M, Skiadopoulos S.  2000.  Querying temporal and spatial constraint networks in PTIME. Artif. Intell.. 123:223–263.
[Anonymous].  2003.  Spatio-Temporal Databases: The CHOROCHRONOS Approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2520
Koubarakis M, Skiadopoulos S.  1999.  Tractable Query Answering in Indefinite Constraint Databases: Basic Results and Applications to Querying Spatiotemporal Information. Spatio-Temporal Database Management, International Workshop STDBM'99, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 10-11, 1999, Proceedings. :204–223.
Koubarakis M, Skiadopoulos S, Tryfonopoulos C.  2006.  Logic and Computational Complexity for Boolean Information Retrieval. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng.. 18:1659–1666.
Koubarakis M, Tryfonopoulos C.  2002.  Peer-to-peer Agent Systems for Textual Information Dissemination: Algorithms and Complexity. Proceedings of the UK Workshop on Multiagent Systems (UKMAS).
Koubarakis M, Tryfonopoulos C, Idreos S, Drougas Y.  2003.  Selective Information Dissemination in P2P Networks: Problems and Solutions. SIGMOD Record, Special Issue on Peer-to-Peer Data Management. 32:71-76.
Koubarakis M, Koutris T, Raftopoulou P, Tryfonopoulos C.  2002.  Efficient Agent-Based Dissemination of Textual Information. Proceedings of the 2nd Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN).
Koubarakis M, Skiadopoulos S.  1999.  Querying Temporal Constraint Networks in PTIME. Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Eleventh Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, July 18-22, 1999, Orlando, Florida, USA.. :745–750.
Koubarakis M, Tryfonopoulos C, Raftopoulou P, Koutris T.  2002.  Data Models and Languages for Agent-Based Textual Information Dissemination. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA).