
Export 422 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Spiliotopoulos D, Margaris D, Vassilakis C, Petukhova V, Kotis K.  2019.  A Mixed-reality Interaction-driven Game-based Learning Framework. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES'19).
Poulopoulos V, Wallace M, Vassilakis C, Lepouras G.  2019.  PaloAnalytics project concept, scope and outcomes: an opportunity for culture. Proceedings of the Workshop on Cultural Informatics, co-located with the 14th International Workshop On Semantic And Social Media Adaptation And Personalization (SMAP 2019).
Chantzios T, Zervakis L, Skiadopoulos S, Tryfonopoulos C.  2019.  Ping - A customizable, open-source information filtering system for textual data. Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems, DEBS 2019, Darmstadt, Germany, June 24-28, 2019.. :228–231.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems, DEBS 2019, Darmstadt, Germany, June 24-28, 2019.
Chantzios T, Koloveas P, Skiadopoulos S, Kolokotronis N, Tryfonopoulos C, Bilali V-G, Kavallieros D.  2019.  The quest for the appropriate cyber-threat intelligence sharing platform. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA), Prague, Czech Republic.
Wallace M, Poulopoulos V, Lepouras G, Vassilakis C, Antoniou A.  2019.  Scavenger Hunt in the Roads of Freedom (Greek title: “Κυνήγι θησαυρού στους Δρόμους της Ελευθερίας"). Proceedings of the 3nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage-EuroMed 2019.
Chatzopoulos S, Deligiannis P, Vergoulis T, Kanellos I, Tryfonopoulos C, Dalamagas T.  2019.  SciTo trends: visualising scientific topic trends. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL).
Margaris D, Spiliotopoulos D, Vassilakis C.  2019.  Social Relations versus Near Neighbours: Reliable Recommenders in Limited Information Social Network Collaborative Filtering for Online Advertising. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2019).
Wallace M, Poulopoulos V, Lepouras G, Vassilakis C, Antoniou A.  2019.  Supporting small museums through social network semantic analysis (Greek title: Υποστήριξη μικρών μουσείων μέσω της σημασιολογικής ανάλυσης κοινωνικών δικτύων). Proceedings of the 3nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage-EuroMed 2019.
Vassilakis C, Poulopoulos V, Wallace M, Antoniou A, Lepouras G.  2019.  TripMentor: Challenges and prospects for culture and tourism in the Attica region (Greek title: “TripMentor: προκλήσεις και προοπτικές για τον πολιτισμό και τον τουρισμό στην περιφέρεια Αττικής“). Proceedings of the 3nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage-EuroMed 2019.
Vassilakis C, Poulopoulos V, Wallace M, Antoniou A, Lepouras G.  2019.  TripMentor Project: scope and challenges. Proceedings of the Workshop on Cultural Informatics, co-located with the 14th International Workshop On Semantic And Social Media Adaptation And Personalization (SMAP 2019).
Chatzigeorgakidis G, Patroumpas K, Skoutas D, Athanasiou S, Skiadopoulos S.  2019.  Visual Exploration of Geolocated Time Series with Hybrid Indexing. Big Data Research. 15:12–28.
Margaris D, Kobusinska A, Spiliotopoulos D, Vassilakis C.  2020.  An Adaptive Social Network-Aware Collaborative Filtering Algorithm for Improved Rating Prediction Accuracy. IEEE Access. 8:68301–68310.
Margaris D, Spiliotopoulos D, Karagiorgos G, Vassilakis C.  2020.  An Algorithm for Density Enrichment of Sparse Collaborative Filtering Datasets Using Robust Predictions as Derived Ratings. Algorithms. 13:174.
Sotiropoulos P, Vassilakis C.  2020.  Application cases of the Additional Testsuites Framework.
Spiliotopoulos D, Margaris D, Vassilakis C.  2020.  Data-Assisted Persona Construction Using Social Media Data. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 4:21.
Sotiropoulos P, Vassilakis C.  2020.  Detection of intermittent faults in software programs through identification of suspicious shared variable access patterns. Journal of Systems and Software. 159:110455.
Spyropoulou C., Wallace M., Vassilakis C., Poulopoulos V..  2020.  Examining the use of STEAM Education in Preschool Education. European Journal of Engineering Research and Science. TBD
Lykourentzou I, Liapis A, Papastathis C, Papangelis K, Vassilakis C.  2020.  Exploring Self-organisation in Crowd Teams. Proceedings of the Crowd-Powered e-Services (CROPS) Workshop in the context of the 19th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society (I3E 2019).
Aivazoglou M, Roussos A, Margaris D, Vassilakis C, Ioannidis S, Polakis J, Spiliotopoulos D.  2020.  A Fine-grained Social Network Recommender System. Social Network Analysis and Mining. 10(8)
Spiliotopoulos D, Kriemadis A, Vassilakis C.  2020.  From Smart Cities to Smart Rural Country: challenges and sustainability. Extended abstract Presentation in the 15th National and International Conderence of the Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies.
Markri E, Spiliotopoulos D, Vassilakis C, Margaris D.  2020.  Human behaviour in multimodal interaction: main effects of civic action and interpersonal and problem-solving skills. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. TBD:TBD.
Deligiannis K, Raftopoulou P, Tryfonopoulos C, Platis N, Vassilakis C.  2020.  Hydria: An Online Data Lake for Multi-Faceted Analytics in the Cultural Heritage Domain. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 4:7.
Margaris D, Vassilakis C.  2020.  Improving collaborative filtering’s rating prediction accuracy by considering users’ dynamic rating variability. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence. 7(2)
Margaris D, Vassilakis C.  2020.  Improving collaborative filtering’s rating prediction coverage in sparse datasets by exploiting the “friend of a friend” concept. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence. 7(1)