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Zagganas K, Vergoulis T, Paraskevopoulou MD, Vlachos IS, Skiadopoulos S, Dalamagas T.  2017.  BUFET: boosting the unbiased miRNA functional enrichment analysis using bitsets. BMC Bioinformatics. 18:399:1–399:8.
Antoniou A, Morillo SReboreda, Lepouras G, Diakoumakos J, Vassilakis C, Nores MLopez, Jones CEmma.  2019.  Bringing a peripheral, traditional venue to the digital era with targeted narratives. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. 14:e00111.
Vassiliadis P, Simitsis A, Terrovitis M, Skiadopoulos S.  2005.  Blueprints and Measures for ETL Workflows. Conceptual Modeling - ER 2005, 24th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Klagenfurt, Austria, October 24-28, 2005, Proceedings. :385–400.
Vassilakis C.  2019.  Blockchain technologies for leveraging security and privacy. Homo Virtualis. 2:7–14.
Brotsis S, Grammatikakis KP, Kavallieros D, Mazilu AI, Kolokotronis N, Limniotis K, Vassilakis C.  2023.  Blockchain meets Internet of Things (IoT) forensics: A unified framework for IoT ecosystems. Internet of Things. :100968.
Kolokotronis N, Brotsis S, Germanos G, Vassilakis C, Shiaeles S.  2019.  On Blockchain Architectures for Trust-based Collaborative Intrusion Detection. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Services Workshop on Cyber Security and Resilience in the Internet Of Things, within IEEE Services 2019.
Vassilakis C, Sotiropoulou A, Theotokis D, Gouscos D..  2005.  A Blackboard-oriented Architecture for e-Government service composition. Proceedings of the IRMA 2005 conference.
Vassilakis C, Poulopoulos V, Antoniou A, Wallace M, Lepouras G, Nores MLopez.  2018.  Big Data Platforms and Applications.
AlGhamdi Z, Jamour F, Skiadopoulos S, Kalnis P.  2017.  A Benchmark for Betweenness Centrality Approximation Algorithms on Large Graphs. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, Chicago, IL, USA, June 27-29, 2017. :6:1–6:12.
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Fraser J, Haston S.  2005.  Barriers To Electronic Service Development. e-Service Journal. Fall 2005:41-63.
Margaris D, Spiliotopoulos D, Vassilakis C.  2021.  Augmenting Black Sheep Neighbour Importance for Enhancing Rating Prediction Accuracy in Collaborative Filtering. Applied Sciences. 11:8369.
Theodoropoulos A, Vassilakis C, Antoniou A, Wallace M, Lepouras G.  2019.  ATMF: A student-centered framework for the effective implementation of alternative teaching methods for CSEd. Proceedings of the Innovative Teaching of Introductory Topics in Information Technology - 3(IT) Workshop in the context of the 19th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society (I3E 2019).
Papadogiannis I, Wallace M, Poulopoulos V, Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Platis N.  2023.  An Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Remedial Teaching Education Policy. Knowledge. 3:349–363.
Vassiliadis P, Vagena Z, Skiadopoulos S, Karayannidis N, Sellis TK.  2001.  ARKTOS: towards the modeling, design, control and execution of ETL processes. Inf. Syst.. 26:537–561.
Vassiliadis P, Vagena Z, Skiadopoulos S, Karayannidis N.  2000.  ARKTOS: A Tool For Data Cleaning and Transformation in Data Warehouse Environments. IEEE Data Eng. Bull.. 23:42–47.
Tryfonopoulos C, Zimmer C, Koubarakis M, Weikum G.  2007.  Architectural Alternatives for Information Filtering in Structured Overlay Networks. IEEE Internet Computing. 11:24-34.
Poulis G, Skiadopoulos S, Loukides G, Gkoulalas-Divanis A.  2014.  Apriori-based algorithms for k\(^\mboxm\)-anonymizing trajectory data. Trans. Data Privacy. 7:165–194.
Zimmer C, Tryfonopoulos C, Berberich K, Koubarakis M, Weikum G.  2008.  Approximate Information Filtering in Peer-to-Peer Networks. Proceedings of the 9th Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE) Conference.
Charitos D., Lepouras G, Vassilakis C, Katifori A, Halatsis C..  2000.  An Approach to Designing and Implementing Virtual Museums. Proceedings of the seventh UK VR-SIG Conference.
Kalikakis M., Gouscos D., Vassilakis C, Georgiadis P..  2007.  An Approach for re-engineering the Taxation Process to Support Participatory Decisions on Tax Budget Allocation. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methodologies, Technologies and Tools enabling e-Government.
Sotiropoulos P, Vassilakis C.  2020.  Application cases of the Additional Testsuites Framework.
Backes M, Hamerlik M, Linari A, Maffei M, Tryfonopoulos C, Weikum G.  2008.  Anonymous and Censorship-resistant Content-sharing in Unstructured Overlays.
Poulis G, Loukides G, Skiadopoulos S, Gkoulalas-Divanis A.  2017.  Anonymizing datasets with demographics and diagnosis codes in the presence of utility constraints. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 65:76–96.
Poulis G, Loukides G, Gkoulalas-Divanis A, Skiadopoulos S.  2013.  Anonymizing Data with Relational and Transaction Attributes. Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, September 23-27, 2013, Proceedings, Part III. :353–369.
Backes M, Hamerlik M, Linari A, Maffei M, Tryfonopoulos C, Weikum G.  2009.  Anonymity and Censorship Resistance in Unstructured Overlay Networks. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS).