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Cultural technologies: the case of the Tripolis archeological museum (in Greek; Greek title: "ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΕΣ: Η ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΟΥ ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟΥ ΤΡΙΠΟΛΗΣ"). Book of abstracts of the 2nd Conference of the School of Social Sciences of the University of the Aegean "Social sciences today: dilemmas and prospectives beyond the crisis".
2019. Towards a methodological framework for the cognitive-behavioural evaluation of educational e-games. International Journal of Learning Technology. 6:263–287.
2011. The Human Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality Lab (University of Peloponnese): overview and current challenges. Proceedings of the “Cultural informatics research and applications: State of the art and open challenges” workshop, within the Euromed 2018 Conference.
2018. Experiences from the development of thematic itineraries in three Greek museums (Greek title: Εμπειρίες από την ανάπτυξη θεματικών διαδρομών σε τρία Ελληνικά μουσεία). Proceedings of the 2nd PanHellenic conference on Cultural Heritage (Euromed 2017).
2017. User Profiling: Towards a Facebook Game that Reveals Cognitive Style. Proceedings of the GALA 2013 conference. :349–353.
2013. Bringing a peripheral, traditional venue to the digital era with targeted narratives. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. 14:e00111.
2019. A methodology for the design of online exhibitions. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology. 33:158–167.