
Export 422 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
[Anonymous].  2015.  2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2015, Santa Clara, CA, USA, October 29 - November 1, 2015.
Tsafara A, Tryfonopoulos C, Skiadopoulos S, Zervakis L.  2015.  Cloud-Based Data and Knowledge Management for Multi-Centre Biomedical Studies. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, K-CAP 2015, Palisades, NY, USA, October 7-10, 2015. :24:1–24:4.
Tsafara A, Tryfonopoulos C, Skiadopoulos S, Zervakis L.  2015.  Cloud-Based Data and Knowledge Management for Multi-Centre Biomedical Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP).
Margaris D, Georgiadis P., Vassilakis C.  2015.  A Collaborative Filtering Algorithm with Clustering for Personalized Web Service Selection in Business Processes. Proceedings of RCIS 2015.
Prohaska A, Tryfonopoulos C, Ifrim G.  2015.  Constructing Subsumption Hierarchies of Web Queries. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Dataset PROFIling and fEderated Search for Linked Data (PROFILES @ ESWC).
Katifori A, Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Torou E.  2015.  Effectiveness of visualization for information retrieval through ontologies with entity evolution: the impact of ontology modeling. International Journal of Information Retrieval Research. 5:26.
Margaris D, Vassilakis C, Georgiadis P..  2015.  A Hybrid Framework for WS-BPEL Scenario Execution Adaptation, Using Monitoring and Feedback Data. Proceedings of the 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, SOAP track.
Margaris D, Vassilakis C, Georgiadis P..  2015.  An integrated framework for adapting WS-BPEL scenario execution using QoS and collaborative filtering techniques. Science of Computer Programming. 98:707–734.
Chatzigeorgakidis G, Karagiorgou S, Athanasiou S, Skiadopoulos S.  2015.  A MapReduce based k-NN joins probabilistic classifier. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2015, Santa Clara, CA, USA, October 29 - November 1, 2015. :952–957.
[Anonymous].  2015.  Medical Data Privacy Handbook.
Μασσέλος K., Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Tryfonopoulos C, Τσελίκας Ν., Platis N.  2015.  A mobile-enabled platform for presenting and disseminating cultural heritage information enhanced with augmented reality (Greek title: ΜΙΑ ΠΛΑΤΦΟΡΜΑ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΙΑΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΧΥΣΗ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΛΗΡΟΝΟΜΙΑΣ ΜΕ ΥΠΟΣΤΗΡΙΞΗ ΓΙΑ ΚΙΝΗΤΕΣ ΣΥΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΜΠ. 1st Panhellenic Conference on Cultural Heritage Digitization.
Masselos K., Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Tryfonopoulos C, Tselikas N., Platis N..  2015.  A Platform for the Presentation and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage Information for Mobile Devices Enriched with Augmented Reality. Proceedings of the Greek Conference for the Digitization of Cultural Information (EUROMED).
[Anonymous].  2015.  Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, K-CAP 2015, Palisades, NY, USA, October 7-10, 2015.
Giouroukis D, Platis N, Tryfonopoulos C.  2015.  PViz: Visualising P2P Multi-Agent Simulations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS). :1945–1946.
Margaris D, Georgiadis P., Vassilakis C.  2015.  On Replacement Service Selection in WS-BPEL Scenario Adaptation. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA 2015).
Poulis G, Gkoulalas-Divanis A, Loukides G, Skiadopoulos S, Tryfonopoulos C.  2015.  SECRETA: A Tool for Anonymizing Relational, Transaction and RT-Datasets. Medical Data Privacy Handbook. :83–109.
Poulis G, Gkoulalas-Divanis A, Loukides G, Skiadopoulos S, Tryfonopoulos C.  2015.  SECRETA: A Tool for Anonymizing Relational, Transaction and RT-Datasets. Medical Data Privacy Handbook. :83-109.
Tryfonopoulos C, Raftopoulou P, Setty V, Xiros A.  2015.  Towards Content-Based Publish/Subscribe for Distributed Social Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS).
Koloveas P, Chantzios T, Tryfonopoulos C, Skiadopoulos S.  2016.  A crawler architecture for harvesting the clear, social, and dark web for IoT-related cyber-threat intelligence. In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Cyber Security & Resilience in the Internet of Things (CSRIoT @ IEEE Services).
Zervakis L, Tryfonopoulos C, Skiadopoulos S, Koubarakis M.  2016.  Full-Text Support for Publish/Subscribe Ontology Systems. The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains - 13th International Conference, ESWC 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 29 - June 2, 2016, Proceedings. :233–249.
Margaris D, Vassilakis C, Georgiadis P..  2016.  Improving QoS Delivered by WS-BPEL Scenario Adaptation through Service Execution Parallelization. Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. :1590-1596.
Vassilakis C, Antoniou A, Lepouras G, Wallace M, Lykourentzou I, Naudet Y..  2016.  Interconnecting Objects, Visitors, Sites and (Hi)Stories Across Cultural and Historical Concepts: The CrossCult Project. Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. :501–510.