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Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Halatsis C..  2007.  A knowledge-based approach for developing multi-channel e-government services. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 6:113-124.
Vassilakis C, Georgiadis P., Sotiropoulou A.  1996.  A comparative study of temporal DBMS architectures. DEXA '96: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications. :153.
Vassilakis C, Lorentzos N., Georgiadis P..  1995.  Transaction Support in a Temporal DBMS. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Temporal Databases. :255–271.
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G.  2006.  Component reuse in electronic services development. J. Comp. Methods in Sci. and Eng.. 6:229–241.
Vassilakis C.  2000.  An optimisation scheme for coalesce/valid time selection operator sequences. SIGMOD Record (ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data). 29:38-43.
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Katifori A.  2006.  Reverse engineering electronic services: from e-forms to knowledge. ICSOFT (1). :273-278.
Vassilakis C, Kotis K, Spiliotopoulos D, Margaris D, Kasapakis V, Anagnostopoulos C-N, Santipantakis G, Vouros GA, Kotsilieris T, Petukhova V et al..  2020.  A Semantic Mixed Reality Framework for Shared Cultural Experiences Ecosystems. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 4:6.
Vassilakis C, Poulopoulos V, Wallace M, Antoniou A, Lepouras G.  2019.  TripMentor Project: scope and challenges. Proceedings of the Workshop on Cultural Informatics, co-located with the 14th International Workshop On Semantic And Social Media Adaptation And Personalization (SMAP 2019).
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Fraser J, Haston S.  2005.  Barriers To Electronic Service Development. e-Service Journal. Fall 2005:41-63.
Vassilakis C, Poulopoulos V, Wallace M, Antoniou A, Lepouras G.  2019.  TripMentor: Challenges and prospects for culture and tourism in the Attica region (Greek title: “TripMentor: προκλήσεις και προοπτικές για τον πολιτισμό και τον τουρισμό στην περιφέρεια Αττικής“). Proceedings of the 3nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage-EuroMed 2019.
Vassilakis C, Georgiadis P., Sellis TK.  1998.  Implementing Embedded Valid Time Query Languages. DEXA '98: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications. :561–572.
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Skiadopoulos S.  2008.  Mobile and context-aware e-commerce: Issues, challenges and research directions. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations. 6:i-iv.
Vassilakis C, Poulopoulos V, Antoniou A, Wallace M, Lepouras G, Nores MLopez.  2018.  exhiSTORY: Smart Exhibits That Tell Their Own Stories. Future Generation of Computer Systems. 81:542-556.
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G.  2006.  Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government and Mobile Commerce. :865–870.
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Katifori A.  2007.  Web service execution streamlining. Proceedings - ICSSSM'06: 2006 International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management. 2:1564-1569.
Vassilakis C, Katifori A, Daradimos I., Lepouras G.  2008.  An Integrated Environment for Cataloguing and Online Presentation of Museum Exhibits. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology. 28(4):72-78.
Vassilakis C.  2019.  Blockchain technologies for leveraging security and privacy. Homo Virtualis. 2:7–14.
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G.  1999.  Is Server-Side Programming Killing Your Web Server? Proceedings of the ActiveWeb 99 Conference.
Vassilakis C, Georgiadis P., Lelis D., Mouzakis D., Nikolaidou M..  1993.  A Methodology for the Implementation of Software for the Design of Distributed Systems. Proceedings of the 4th Hellenic Conference on Informatics. :673–686.
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Rouvas S., Georgiadis P..  2003.  Improving e-Form Layout Through Analysis of Form Semantics and Validation Checks. CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings.
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G.  2007.  Encyclopedia of Digital Government. :1174–1179.
Vassilakis C, Lepouras G, Katifori A.  2009.  A heuristics-based approach to reverse engineering of electronic services. Information and Software Technology. 51:325-336.
Vassilakis C, Kareliotis C.  2009.  A framework for adaptation in secure web services. Proceedings of MCIS 2009.
Vassilakis C, Sotiropoulou A, Theotokis D, Gouscos D..  2005.  A Blackboard-oriented Architecture for e-Government service composition. Proceedings of the IRMA 2005 conference.
Vassilakis C, Poulopoulos V, Antoniou A, Wallace M, Lepouras G, Nores MLopez.  2018.  Big Data Platforms and Applications.