Adaptable and Adaptive Hypermedia Systems

TitleAdaptable and Adaptive Hypermedia Systems
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsLepouras G, Vassilakis C
EditorChen S.Y, Magoulas G.D
ChapterAdaptive Virtual Museums on the Web
PublisherIRM Press
AbstractThis chapter presents an architecture for supporting the creation of adaptive virtual reality museums on the web. It argues whether the task of developing adaptive virtual reality museums is a complex one, presenting key challenges, and should thus be facilitated by means of a supporting architecture and relevant tools. The proposed architecture is flexible enough to cater for a variety of user needs, and modular promoting extensibility, maintainability and tailorability. Adoption of this architecture will greatly simplify the development of adaptive virtual reality museums, reducing the needed effort to exhibit digitisation and user profile specification; user profiles are further refined dynamically through the user data recorder and the user modelling engine, which provide input for the virtual environment generator.