Modelling and Optimization Issues for Multidimensional Databases

P. Vassiliadis and S. Skiadopoulos.
In Proceedings of CAiSE'00, volume 1789 of LNCS, pages 482--497. Springer, June 2000.

It is commonly agreed that multidimensional data cubes form the basic logical data model for OLAP applications. Still, there seems to be no agreement on a common model for cubes. In this paper we propose a logical model for cubes based on the key observation that a cube is not a self-existing entity, but rather a view over an underlying data set. We accompany our model with syntactic characterisations for the problem of cube usability. To this end, we have developed algorithms to check whether (a) the marginal conditions of two cubes are appropriate for a rewriting, in the presence of aggregation hierarchies and (b) an implication exists between two selection conditions that involve different levels of aggregation of the same dimension hierarchy. Finally, we present a rewriting algorithm for the cube usability problem.

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