Barriers To Electronic Service Development

Costas Vassilakis, George Lepouras, John Fraser, Simon Haston, Panagiotis Georgiadis
e-Service Journal, Indianna University Press, 2005

E-government initiatives have been proven to deliver significant benefits, both for suppliers of electronic services (public authorities and organisations) and for the public, to whom services are addressed. However, the pace with which electronic services are made available and adopted is lower than planned or expected; governments tend to be slow in releasing new services, and citizens often prefer to conduct business with the government through paper forms and physical presence, rather than using online methods. This indicates that certain barriers exist that hinder the transition to electronic services. In this paper, we present the results of a survey among electronic service stakeholder groups, to identify the most important barriers to electronic service development. Documentation of barriers is considered important, since administrations may take certain measures to overcome them. Hints on how specific barriers may be overcome are also given in this paper.

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