Personal Ontology Creation and Visualization for a Personal Interaction Management System

Akrivi Katifori, Costas Vassilakis, Ilias Daradimos, George Lepouras, Yannis Ioannidis, Alan Dix, Antonella Poggi, Tiziana Catarci
Proceedings of PIM, CHI 2008


Ontologies offer a flexible and expressive layer of abstraction, very useful for capturing the semantics of information repositories and facilitating their retrieval either by the user or by the system to support user tasks. This work presents an ontology-based user profiler, in the context of a Personal Interaction Management System (PIMS). The profiler, based on an ontology of the users¢ domain, enables them to create their personal ontology by initially choosing one of the available template ontologies as a starting point, which they subsequently populate and customize. The profiler employs a web interface which allows users to populate their personal ontology through forms, hiding ontology complexities and peculiarities. Forms are dynamically generated through ontology views, which are specified by ontology designers.

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