t-Protégé: A Temporal Extension for Protégé

Costas Vassilakis, George Lepouras, Akrivi Katifori
Technical Report TR-SSDBL-06-001, SDBS Lab, University of Peloponnese, 2006.


This work is an extension of the Protégé tool to accommodate the modeling and presentation of entity history, i.e. past values of properties and/relationships; each such value is timestamped with the period that it was (or will be) valid in the real world. To this end, the presented extension provides:

  1. integrated support for data types expressing time quantities - more specifically dates (individual points in time) and periods (anchored segments of the time axis).
  2. data types for storing histories of properties of different types (strings, integers, floats, booleans and instances [i.e. relationships]).

The extension can be used in contexts that the modeling of entities' history is important, such as historical archives, museums, etc.

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